--- Designer Paula Scher quoted by Rei Inamoto in To Rebrand or Not To Rebrand?, Nov 2024
From Inamoto's post:
According to legend, in the first meeting in 2007, Paula Scher, an iconic designer and partner at Pentagram, sketched on a napkin.
Image posted in The $1.5m napkin: Paula Scher’s 5 minute logo, Ned Dwyer, Mar 2017 |
A Citi executive asked, “How can it be done in a few seconds?” Paul Scher replied:
“It’s done in seconds and 34 years.”
This reminds me of the joke of the retired old hand brought in to fix a machine at the plant, drawing an X on a part and saying, "Replace that." He sent a bill for A Lot Of Money. When the bean counters insisted on an itemized bill, the invoice read, "Chalk: 10 pence. Knowing where to put the mark: A Lot Of Money - 10 pence."