Friday, November 05, 2021

nomen est omen

 --- Latin saying, via Jason Zweig's essay in the WSJ, "Donald Trump’s Ageless Advice for Mark Zuckerberg," 5 November 2021


The Latin saying “nomen est omen” can be loosely translated as “your name is your fate.” By renaming itself Meta, Facebook has identified itself inextricably with a metaverse future. In the eyes of the public, the business will become what it is named. That could end up making the company even more of a lightning rod for criticism than it already is.

In another excerpt he compares names with strategies, which resonates for me with mythology: it's easier to grab onto a god's name than to understand what they represent.

That’s because a name is easier to criticize than a strategy, says Margaret Wolfson, founder of River and Wolf LLC, a naming agency in New York. “To talk about a strategy takes a lot more time and analysis,” she says. “But names are handles: They’re easy to grab onto, and criticizing them can turn into a blood sport.”